How did Marx and Engels view literature?Marx and Engels didn't regard literature as insignificant, it is stated that 'art and literature were part of the very air that Marx breathed' which suggests that Marx valued Literature.
What is the sociology of literature?
Concerned with the means of literacy production, distribution and exchange in a certain society, how books are published, the social composition of the authors and it also examines texts for their sociological relevance.
What did Matisse believe about all art?
'all art bears the imprint of its historical epoch but that great art is that in which this imprint is most deeply marked'
What is 'original' about Marxist literary criticism?
The originality of Marxist criticism, then, lies not in it's historical approach to literature, but in it's revolutionary understanding of history itself.
Why is art part of the superstructure?Art, then, is for Marxism part of the 'superstructure' of society. It is part of a society's ideology - an element in that complex structure of perception which ensures that the situation in which one social class has power over the others is either seen by most members of the society as 'natural' or not seen at all.
What, according to interpretations of Conrad's work was the crisis facing the Western bourgeois class?
The pessimism of the bourgeois class.
Which four elements make up the levels of 'unity' which Marxist criticism focuses on?
Text, ideology, social relations and productive forces.
In his letter Joseph Bloc, what did Engels want to deny about the base and superstructure?
He denied that the base and the superstructure were connected.
Why does Marx believe we enjoy classical Greek literature?
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